Sunday, November 16, 2008

Water Fowl Festival

The choice was between a warm rainy Saturday or a cold rainy Sunday. It looked like there was no escaping the rain. We decided Saturday was the better of the two days. we got there around 2pm after a leisurely breakfast at silver diner with Dave.
Liz came with us , first stop was the yarn shop to check it out.Very nice but no Noro yarn or Polar fleece for Pa tricks hat. I ordered it when we got home.Red and Blue can you believe they don't make a white, we need the Buffalo Bills colors.
Well, the weather was wonderfully warm and sunny. Reston was having the rain instead. Too bad Family, see what happens when you pass on the weekend adventure to Easton MD! We had dinner at Olive Garden before we got home.
Sunday was dedicated to laundry and baking bread. I made a Oatmeal and pumpkin bread. I wan't very impressed at all. It will get eaten but, I won't make it again. Oh, well got to try it once, twice if I like it. Don't like it.
Got to go, Jeff Dunham's Christmas Special is on comedy central, funny guy.

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