Friday, September 18, 2009

Last minute reunion plans

Dave came home from school exhausted. We took him to the Dr.s for his first med check.Then went out to dinner.Adrienne and Patrick came over to discuss tomorrows reunion events in Phillie Pa.I'm spending my night cooking. No my evening but my night we just figured out what we wanted to bring . I thought chili and corn bread would be good. my sister-in-law Ann decided to be an over achiever and make pasta salad, cake and watermelon. I couldn't let her make it all. although it crossed my mind.LOL.
I don't know what Jess and Mom are bringing, probably something yummy too. I considered copping out after my accident at work. I slid on a non slip mat, can you believe it? It was an almost split. I couldn't even do one as a Kid. The floor got wet under the mat and one foot stayed on the floor and the other on a moving mat. everything in my body tightened, especially my back. I reported it to Angel the head nurse but she couldn't find the forms for an accident. I'll do it Monday when Joy gets back from California.

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